

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10B Manifesto Extra Credit Assignment.

Karim Rashid’s experience is the most important part of living point in his manifesto speaks to me the most. I know a few older people that have been in music and you cannot beat experience. Sometimes we can learn from their experience or do something different but respecting what they think and believe is important because they have a reason to back up what they do and that is years of experience.

Karim Rashid’s manifesto and the work he does go hand in hand. You can see that his work is new, exciting, and innovative. I can see in his artwork and the things he does that spirituality comes through. The products that he makes definitely show his passion and excitement for creating something new and innovative.

1. Never give up.

2. Don’t create anything that you wouldn’t want to tell the whole world about.

3. Be passionate about what you are doing.

4. Find a way to market your product or idea to an audience.

5. Make sure your work has a point and reason for being created.

6. To the best of your abilities create something unique and mind-blowing.

7. Keep it simple but original.

8. Ask for advice but in the end you make the final decision.

9. Creativity for me is at its best when it is not forced and I have the freedom to do what it is I feel is necessary.

10. Do it for yourself and no one else.

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