

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10A Freak Factor

In Freak Factor number five foundations: build on your strengths. This for me will help me creatively. I believe that if we focus on our strengths we can become unusually unique. I have always thought it better to excel above in a few areas than to be average at everything. If you are average then there are always people above you and can do a better job. However, if you excel in a certain area you become extraordinary. People will notice that and respect your work and your skill. Building on strengths is also easier than getting rid of weaknesses. It can help build your self-esteem and help get the ball rolling. I also liked when Rendell wrote about losing your strengths if you do not work on them. This is true. It is like anything else if you do not work on it then you will not be as efficient or good at it. No matter what it is whether it is working as an employee at CVS or making creative videos for Professor William’s class. If I were to stop learning new techniques about playing guitar I would lose my ability to perform and get new ideas. I would lose the fluidity of my playing style and thus lose my strength of being different and unique.

The second point I would like to talk about in Rendell’s Freak Factor is number seven. Finding the right fit. As in his example of Rudolph we tend to want to fit in and be normal. We do not want to be an outcast and we become ashamed of the special things that we have. For me finding the right fit musically means I should play praise and worship. I have played a few of my songs (songs based on faith and belief in God and the troubles we encounter on this earth) in bars. People enjoyed it but were not moved by it because it challenged them spiritually. When I have played my songs in front of 250+ people in a church or causal gathering the fit of my music seems right. I don’t feel out of place or like the only person in the room who is really paying attention to the words. I get better results and compliments when I play in those settings that fit my music, lyrics, and performance.
The third and last thing I want to talk about in Freak Factor is number three. There’s nothing wrong with you. I completely understand about weaknesses having corresponding strengths. I am an example of that. I can be stubborn at times but I am dedicated. Dedication helps me get through tough days and carry myself forward. Too many times people think that weaknesses hurt and over power the corresponding strengths. As long as the person recognizes their weakness they can control it better. What would be devastating to a person is to ignore their weakness and not listen to other people. If we face our weakness and are aware of it we can tend to tame it down.
As far as the creative process my strengths are finding what will work and what makes sense. I always question, “what point and story is trying to be portrayed here, and if it is, is it a good idea or point.” This strength has helped create music and videos that are good in quality and uniqueness. However, with this comes a weakness. That weakness is the opinion part of it. Sometimes things hit really well with an audience and i think that it was not a good idea or point. More times than not however things that I think are good and hit home runs usually excel and are above other average pieces of work.

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